Liturgical Music
Below is our growing collection of liturgical music for free download. Permission is granted to copy for liturgical usage only.
The careful composition of hymns into the English language and the typesetting of this music takes many hours of labor, however, and it is one of our goals at Anaphora Press to “pay the laborer worthy of his hire”. While most iconographers are able to realize some income from their craft, many Orthodox church musicians give countless unpaid hours to their artistry.
Please consider making a one-time or an ongoing donation specifically for this service. The more consistently we can pay our typesetters and composers, the more time they will be able to spend making music for us all to use. Donation checks can be sent to: Anaphora Press, 3110 San Juan Ave., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Please tag them as “Choir Music Donation”.
Divine Liturgy
Litany of Fervent Supplication, Romanian
2nd Antiphon, Byzantine
Beatitudes - ‘Tula’, a simple 4-part Russian chant
Sunday Prok. & Alleluia, Obikhod
Prok. for the Fathers (T4 Blessed art Thou, O Lord God…)
Prok. for Priest-Martyr (T7 Let the saints be exalted in glory…)
Prok. for Hierarchs (T7 Precious in the sight…)
Prok. for a Hierarch (T1 My mouth shall speak wisdom…)
Prok. for the Theotokos (T3 My soul doth magnify the Lord…)
Receive the Body, Alaskan
O Taste and See, Margitich
Sunday of the Cross
Cross Stichera at LIHC (”Rejoice, O Life-bearing Cross…”)
Lazarus Saturday
Lazarus Saturday Canon, Russian 4-part
Lazarus Saturday Exapostilarion, “Hearken ye Women”, 2-part
Lazarus Saturday Troparion & Kontakion, simple Byz.
Lazarus Saturday Koinonikon (Communion Hymn), simple Byz.
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday Canon, 2-part Znamenny
Palm Sunday Troparion, Carpatho-Russian
Palm Sunday Koinonikon (Communion Hymn), simple Byz.
Paschal Stichera, 4-part Znamenny
Stichera of Pentecost, T1 Byzantine
Troparion of Pentecost, T8 Byzantine
2nd Sunday of Pentecost
Troparion All Saints of America T8 2-part Kievan chant
Great Feasts
Elevation of the Cross (Sept. 14)
Presentation of the Theotokos into the Temple (Nov. 21)
Nativity of Christ (Dec. 25)
Theophany (Jan. 6)
Paramia I (Sung between the Old Testament readings)
Presentation (Meeting) of our Lord into the Temple (Feb. 2)
Doxastikon at LIHC (for use if feast falls on Sunday)
Dogmatikon at LIHC (for use if feast falls on Saturday or weekday)
Annunciation (March 25)
Kontakion of the Annunciation, simple Byzantine
Annunciation Exapostelarion (Hearken, O Ye Women), 2-part Znamenny
11 - St. Theodosius the Great
27 - St. John Chrysostom
9 – St. Columba
11- St. Sophrony
28 - St. Khariton (Chariton)
30 - Apostle Andrew
13 - St. Herman